Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers price from: 700 EUR


  • Do you have an unattractive smile?
  • Aren’t your satisfied with the shape or color of your teeth?
  • Do you want to change your look with the help of a beautiful smile?

Dental veneers will help you with that



  • Dental veneers are thin "covers" that stick to the front of the tooth.
  • The veneer changes the shape and color of the tooth.
  • The veneer holds on to the tooth as firmly as the crown. Due to the fixing system (adhesive preparation), the veneer becomes part of the tooth.
  • The veneer can be chipped by nut shells, bones or accidental biting into a hard object, such as a fork.
  • The veneer can also be damaged by teeth gnashing - bruxism, which occurs during the sleep. Chipping off the facets prevents the wearing of protective transparent tooth protectors.



  • The veneer will never break if you eat any hard food - carrots, apples, meat.
  • The color of the veneers does not age and does not change. Veneers cannot absorb dyes from any food. Neither wine, cigarettes, nor coffee change the color of veneers.
  • The veneers are made of ceramic and composite.
  • Both ceramic and composite veneers have all aesthetic properties, such as transparency of the cutting edge, variety of shades from the tooth neck to the cutting edge, dry gloss.



  • Ceramic and composite veneers can be produced without teeth grinding - these are so-called no-prep veneers.
  • Composite veneers are made directly in the oral cavity. You will get a nice smile in just 2 visits. Neither composite nor ceramic veneers change their color. Just like ceramics, these facets do not mind a hard diet. The connection of composite veneers with the tooth surface is as strong as with ceramic ones.



Ceramic veneers are made outside the oral cavity. Four visits will be needed to make the veneer.

  • How are the ceramic veneers made:
  • First visit: scan the tooth by an intraoral scanner and take the necessary pictures. We will load all the data into the computer and together we will choose a new smile for you.
  • Second visit: test of temporary veneers in the oral cavity. We will print a 3D model of your new smile and we will make a silicone template. Using a template, we will place temporary veneers on the teeth.
  • Third visit: preparation (grinding) and scanning of teeth.
  • Fourth visit: fixation of veneers on teeth, polishing and grinding.
  • In the case of No-prep veneers, there will be only 3 visits, because pre-grinding of the tooth is not required.



How are the composite veneers made:

  • First visit: scan the tooth by an intraoral scanner and take the necessary pictures. We will load all the data into the computer and together we will choose a new smile for you.
  • The second visit: Test of temporary veneers in the oral cavity. Creation of a template for composite application. Renovation of teeth with the help of composite according to the template, polishing and grinding of the surface.



Which veneers are better - ceramic or composite?

  • Your doctor will help you choose the material of the veneer according to the type of tooth renovation or basing upon your preferences for certain materials.

 Which veneers are better - with tooth grinding or No-prep?

  • In this case, only the doctor decides whether a method of making veneers without tooth preparation is possible in your case. It depends on many factors: the original color of the teeth, the position and shape of the tooth.

How much do ceramic and composite veneers cost?

  • The price of ceramic veneers is: 700 EUR.
  • The price of composite veneers is: 1 250 EUR.



Why ceramic veneers are more expensive:

  • longer production time
  • higher input costs compared to the composite ones.

Advantages of our clinic in the production of veneers:

  • We work according to the digital scheme of veneer production: We can choose any smile together on the computer, then try it in the oral cavity until the final processing of the veneers.
  • Due to digital technologies, the final form of veneers will copy the temporary teeth
  • We attach the veneers with the help of a special foil (rubber dam) and under a microscope. This ensures the accuracy of the veneer installation and the cleanliness of the surface.
  • Our clinic has a state-of-the-art laboratory with 3D printers, intra and extraoral scanners, milling machines.  All this ensures high quality and speed of veneer production.
  • We successfully produce veneers since 2007.



Make an appointment with us

    We will contact you to offer you the earliest possible appointment date and time.